The Discovery Draft will be a completely new writing technique for you. It is a way of writing that allows you to get your thoughts down on paper. Through the writing that you do, you will discover the moments that you need in order to tell your story and tell it well.
What's it all about, you ask...
In order to find that really important moment that will illustrate your story - that will make it sing and appeal to your audience, you have to dig deep and go looking for it. Through the writing, you'll find it!
Let's get at it!
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We've gotten to the fun part! It's time to write your Discovery Draft! If you've followed the videos so far, you'll be anxious to get to work.
Trust me - this is going to be really important and very valuable to you in this course, but also in college and through the rest of your life. Have fun!
In the video below, I run through my Discovery Draft. I want you to know what my exact process is and how I use it to get what I want out of my writing and my story. Watch it carefully and let yourself be open to the ideas I present.
There is no wrong way to create the Discovery Draft. If you're gathering ideas, you're doing it right!
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