The way you write your first draft in this course is going to be different than you have written before. Not as drastically different as the discovery draft, but different. You're going to put a lot of work into it!
When most students write their first draft, they write it because it just needs to get turned in for points. But if you don't put the work in, you'll just have to do all that work in the final draft. And I promise you, that final draft won't be nearly as effective! *
In the first draft, you're going to take one of the moments that you discovered in your discovery draft and use that as the most important moment in your story. From there, you will write towards the prompt in your first draft.
Let's get at it!
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*As an aside, professors aren't going to read your first draft in college (unless maybe if you ask them). It's just you and the final draft. We can talk about that later if you like...
Hopefully you made good progress with your Discovery Draft and you're ready to get to the First Draft. There's not much more to say at this point. Watch the video below and write your First Draft. That's it!
Have fun!
This video illustrates my First Draft/Drafting process. As you will see, I have three iterations of the First Draft. It's not three separate drafts; rather, it's one draft that I review and edit three times. It's all part of the process. I'm trying to bring my writing to life so that you can see how I do it.
And then you can do it too!
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