I have created a video below to let you know what to look and listen for when you're trying to connect me with potential clients who need my help. I appreciate you taking a look. I've also written the information below so you can use that as well.
If you know anyone who is interested in coaching or you think would benefit from it, please send an email with a warm introduction such as this: "Hey guys! I wanted to introduce you two because you have some things in common. Rich is a life coach that I know personally. Jenn has expressed interest in life coaching. This is just a super quick introduction to both of you. Would love for you to connect with each other and introduce yourselves!"
An email like that will allow me to set up a complimentary discovery call to get them started.
Thanks so much!
Since most people don’t know what a Life Coach is or what we do, I’m providing information on what to listen and look for in order to refer potential clients to me so I can help them.
The thing about Life Coaching, and the reason that I thought this information would be helpful is that most people don’t know what a Life Coach is or what we do. It’s not like going to the doctor or an attorney. When someone is having a problem with their knee, you might say, “I have a great doctor that can help you with that.” When someone is going through a separation or a divorce, you might say, “I have a great divorce lawyer. You should give her a call.” But people don’t necessarily say, “My life’s a mess and I don’t know what to do next. I need a Life Coach.” It’s more subtle than that. Most people don’t even know what a Life Coach is, much less how to get help through a coach.
So, if you hear someone saying:
I’m just stuck. I don’t know what to do next.
I can’t seem to get out of my own way.
He just can’t get himself together. I’m concerned he’s going to live with us forever.
I’m just so disorganized.
I don’t know where to start.
I just don’t have any Self-Confidence.
I started going to the gym, but my accountability partner quit on me, so now I have no motivation.
The kids are off to college and I don’t know who I am anymore.
When you hear someone saying these things about themselves or someone they know and love, please refer them to me so I can help. My job is to help people feel great about themselves, so they feel great about their future.
As a Life Coach, I help people with:
Time management
Personal Accountability
Being stuck in life
Developing and achieving goals
Future visions (three year vision, five year vision)
Money mindset
Gratitude practice
Living with intention
When I work with people, I help them create awareness about what they are struggling with and why. I help them connect their thoughts to their results and ultimately I help them see that their thoughts are creating their results. When you’re thinking poor thoughts, you’re gonna get poor results.
The best part about this is that a person can change their thoughts, and thus, their results. Most people think that their thoughts are permanent and that they can’t think any other way. This is not the case and I help people change their thoughts so they can change their results and their lives.
I am certified through The Life Coach School, which is the premier school in my industry. Life Coaching is an unregulated industry, so I am happy to have earned the certification that I have, because I can pretty much help anyone with anything in their lives.
The process:
If you refer someone to me, I set up a complimentary 60-minute Zoom consultation which is designed to help me and the potential client understand what the problem(s) are and how to solve them so they can move onto bigger and better things in life. Essentially, during the consultation we determine a “prescription” to organize our work together.
If the person decides they want to move forward with coaching, we set up weekly sessions which will take place over six months. The sessions are 45 - 60 minutes long and are aimed at moving through the difficulties the person is having in an organized and methodical fashion. Throughout our time together, clients are able to message me if they need help. They can also set up 20-minute coaching sessions during my “office hours.”
I hope that this information has been helpful, but I imagine you might have more questions. If you do have questions, or you know someone in particular who might need my help, but you don’t know if it would be a good fit, please get in touch so we can figure it out.
I have spent my career teaching students how to live their best lives and be their best selves. I am excited to be helping people on a deeper level and I appreciate your help in referring people to me who need the help I can provide.
I hope you are well and I look forward to hearing from you.