High School graduation is a huge accomplishment for students and their families. It's an exciting time, but it’s also scary and overwhelming.
Think about it… In the span of two months, kids must finish high school and move to college. They leave one way of life to enter a completely new way of living.
It’s DAUNTING to say the least!
Roadmap to Success in College is a group coaching program for recently graduated high school seniors. It is designed to help students make their way through their final summer at home and create a solid foundation for their first year of college.
Students in the program will prepare for their first days, first month, first semester, and first year of college:
Managing the “Now what?” of Summer
Working through the overwhelm of all that has to be done in two months
Organizing college documents (packing lists, move-in dates, and schedules)
Getting to know roommates and fellow students
Getting moved in
Setting the Foundation - The first days of college
Obtaining and analyzing syllabi to prepare for classes
Getting online (learning platforms)
Contacting all the key players (academic advisors, professors, coaches)
Planning for parent weekends, holiday travel, hotel accommodations
Building an academic base - The first month of college
Planning out long-term assignments
Checking grades
Setting a schedule and building a routine
Attending office hours
Establishing a solid GPA - The first semester of college
Keeping tabs on progress
Meeting due dates and deadlines
Selecting courses for next semester
Maintaining GPA
Settling in and feeling good about where you are
Leaving your mark – The first year of college
Selecting a major
Setting goals for the rest of college
Creating opportunities (semester abroad, semester at sea)
What might you have missed?
What are you doing to be a part of your school?
Zoom Meetings
Thursdays @ 8:30 pm starting June 16th (6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, 8/18)
All sessions will be recorded for use by program attendees.
Office Hours
Office hours will be held on Fridays at 1 pm or Saturdays at 8:30 am. There will be one office hour session per week. Students and parents can come to office hours!
NOTE: Many of the discussions between parents and their kids are difficult during times of heightened emotions. One of the best parts about The Roadmap to Success in College is that the groups will have these discussions together, helping parents to avoid some of the more difficult ones.
Special Guests
There will be a guest high school counselor, a guest professor, and a guest academic advisor at a date and time to be determined. These visits will take place at different times than the regular meetings and will be recorded.
(Single student)
Registration deadline is June 15th, 2022
Once you place your order, I will contact you to set the schedule for the summer.
(2 or more students)
Registration deadline is June 15th, 2022
Once you place your order, I will contact you to set the schedule for the summer.